Friday, January 25, 2008

Vick dogs make their debut

The gag order is lifted as the last defendant is sentenced and Bad Rap opens up about their experiences and discoveries made when evaluating the ex-fighting dogs.

See video, pictures, a timeline, and the entire process on Bad Rap's website here- A Second Chance for the Vick-tims

Their blogspot has also been updated and can be read here

These dogs were immediately labeled "ticking timebombs" by PETA and HSUS who took it upon themselves to decide it was best that they be put down with no further evaluation because of their fighting background. But evaluation of these dogs may help reinvent how to assess prior fighting dogs and show that shelters need to treat them on an individual basis instead of generalizing. You may recall that only ONE dog failed the rigerous temperament test admistered by both Bad Rap and the ASPCA.

Thanks to good people like Bad Rap and ASPCA EVERY dog no matter what breed, size, or background has an equal chance at finding that perfect home.

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