Sunday, December 29, 2013

Endangered Species Act Celebrates 40th Anniversary

For 40 years, the Endangered Species Act has protected America's imperiled plants and animals—from the carnivorous green pitcher plant of Southeastern wetlands, to the western snowy plover of northwestern beaches, to the iconic polar bear of the Arctic.

This video takes us through the successes the ESA has brought in the last four decades, and looks ahead to the work that still needs to be done. - See more at:
For 40 years, the Endangered Species Act has protected America's imperiled plants and animals—from the carnivorous green pitcher plant of Southeastern wetlands, to the western snowy plover of northwestern beaches, to the iconic polar bear of the Arctic.

This video takes us through the successes the ESA has brought in the last four decades, and looks ahead to the work that still needs to be done. - See more at:
There are approximately 2,140 species listed under the ESA. Of these species, approximately 1,515 are found in part or entirely in the U.S. and its waters; the remainder are foreign species.

The Endangered Species Act itself also needs protecting. Politics, commercial industry, and funding cuts threaten to weaken or choke the ESA's ability to protect endangered species. With more and more species being added the the Endangered Species list, now more than ever is it important that the ESA remain intact.

25 Most Endangered Species on Earth

Fish & Wildlife Service
Defenders of Wildlife
National Wildlife Federation
Sierra Club
World Wildlife Fund
Nature Conservancy

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