Monday, October 22, 2007

JK Rowling Adopts Retired Greyhound

Posted by: Sue
October 08, 2007, 06:41 PM

There is a new addition to the Murray family to tell you about tonight, as author J.K. Rowling has now adopted a four year old former race dog. The Herald reports that Jo and her family visited the Greyhound Rescue Fife agency in Scotland, and chose the female dog, making a generous donation to the business in the process. The owner of the agency said:

It was only when she asked for a £30 donation to Greyhound Rescue Fife, which the 61-year-old runs with her husband, Jimmy, near Kirkcaldy, that she realised she had been dealing with the world’s most famous children’s author.

At the bottom of a cheque for £1000 was the signature millions of Harry Potter fans would die for. “When I looked at the cheque I couldn’t believe it. The first thing I noticed was the amount she had made it out for,” Mrs Fernie said yesterday.

“Then I spotted her name and realised who it was. I just said Oh, I didn’t recognise you,’ and she just smiled politely. She was a lovely woman – the whole family were very nice.”

The new member of the family, named Sapphire (no word if she is a Ravenclaw ;) joins their other pet, a Jack Russell named Butch, at the Murray home in Edinburgh, Scotland. The owner of the dog rescue center said that she “always ask a person a bit about their lifestyle – what size their house is, do they have a garden and quite importantly does it have a wall at least 6ft high, because I would hate for the dog to get out and run off,” Mrs Fernie recalled…I could see Sapphire was going to a good home. Now I know just how good,” she said.”

You can see photos of JKR and her new addition, here in our galleries courtesy of Greyhound Rescue. Congratulations Jo and family!

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